Monday, February 13, 2006

Match Point


Woody Allen's long awaited comeback to the silver screen is a real treat. He introduces the characters slowly and gives you tantalising insights into their hearts and minds without ever really showing you the real people, it is generally just hte facade that they use to portray themselves to the general public that is shown in the movie.

Jonathon Rhys Myers portrays the protagonist of the piece impecably. He is cool, aloof, manipulative and dangerous but these facets of his personality are revealed piecemeal to us until he becomes the only character we really understand and as a result and despite of his actions he becomes the only character for which we have any real sympathy for.

Scarlett Johanson plays a needy, poor, white trash American, aspiring actress who becomes caught upin the games and manipulations of upper crust English sociey without ever really seeming to understand what game it is that she is playing. She is very much the victim of the piece and while she justifiably deserves our sympathy it is very difficult to feel sympathetic towards her.

This film manages to turn on its head all that we are taught to believe about morality and right and wrong. The theme that life is based on a series of lucky calls and that there is no real free will at all is what drives this story.

It's a fascinting and entertaining movie and one that I would have no hesitation in recommending.

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