Monday, May 23, 2005

Star Wars III - Revenge of the Sith

Ok so every dog and divil who has any interest in popular culture at all will beat a path to the cinema to see the latest and possibly last of George Lucas's Star Wars movies. It feels a little defunct that I should bother creating my own review of the movie as there have been so many others done already. But this is my Blog and its purpose is to review the things I have seen and done recently and as Star Wars was the highlight of my weekend that's what I am going to review!
I am not a massive Star Wars fan as in I can't quote large tracts of the scripts and to be honest strain to remember all of the twists and turns of the story line. But I do have a decent grasp of the characters and the basic story line so that I can write with some degree of knowledge about the final part in this trilogy of movies.
Having read some preview reviews I was already aware that by and large this film was going to be better than the both I & II. Which is why I allowed myself to look forward to seeing this one. By and large it is far superior to Phantom Menace (which I found to be boring) and it does surpass Attack of the Clones ( which I did enjoy but wouldn't be in a rush to see again). However the script remains very weak in this film and the acting abilities of Hayden Christiansen are in a word, dire. But its the story that really attracts people to this movie and you can forgive the bad acting and terrible dialogue in this case as Lucas has finally delivered to us the missing link in the story. The story of how Annekan Skywalker was attracted to the dark side and became the infamous Darth Vadar was always what I for one wanted to hear about. I liked the way that, bad as the first two movies were, the development of Annekan as an unhappy and insecure individual can be traced, and it is this thread which holds the key to the story.
Its a pity that Hayden Christiansen just doesn't have the gravitas to pull off this role. I think that his character could have been portrayed more sympathetically which would have made his transition to the dark side more profound. Also the fact that Natalie Portman's character went from being a swash buckling hero in the 2nd movie to a wimpy weeping woman with terrible dialogue in this film was also a real shame and is a great injustice to what could have been a great female role.
Also the story involving Chancellor Palpatine was by far and away the best part of this movie, Iain McDiarmaid played a blinder and stole the show in every scene he was in.
So overall if you enjoy Star Wars and are interested in the story I don't see how you could fail not to get a kick out of this movie. If you don't like Star Wars and are one of those people who get confused about its chronology then you probably won't. Either way that's my two cents worth on a topic I'm sure most people have an opinion on.

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