Tuesday, March 27, 2007



This movie is everything you want it to be and more!!!

Ok so there were no elephants and rhinoceri in the historical records, but there were hundreds of thousands of Persians vs just three hundred Spartans at Thermopolyae and the rest is just window dressing.

There's lots of blood, lots of gore and lots and lots of glorious naked men!

The basic historical accuracy of the story is intact in the film which is cool, but it's been sexed up remarkably and is a cracking viewing experience! The cinematography is sumptuous, the editing is flawless. The makeup and costumes are over the top and understated in equal measure to the extent that your senses are left reeling.

Some might claim that this is a movie for boys. I would resent that implication personally, but I would concede that most girlie girls I know would hate this movie with a passion and would probably walk out. So if you're going to go see it pick your viewing mate carefully, sit back and let the blood flow! It gets a major thumbs up from me!

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