Tuesday, March 27, 2007



This movie is everything you want it to be and more!!!

Ok so there were no elephants and rhinoceri in the historical records, but there were hundreds of thousands of Persians vs just three hundred Spartans at Thermopolyae and the rest is just window dressing.

There's lots of blood, lots of gore and lots and lots of glorious naked men!

The basic historical accuracy of the story is intact in the film which is cool, but it's been sexed up remarkably and is a cracking viewing experience! The cinematography is sumptuous, the editing is flawless. The makeup and costumes are over the top and understated in equal measure to the extent that your senses are left reeling.

Some might claim that this is a movie for boys. I would resent that implication personally, but I would concede that most girlie girls I know would hate this movie with a passion and would probably walk out. So if you're going to go see it pick your viewing mate carefully, sit back and let the blood flow! It gets a major thumbs up from me!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Maus - Art Spiegelman


Maus is a comic book with a difference. It's a Pulitzer prize winning comic strip story of the authors father's experience during World War II as a Jew in Poland.

It's an amazing story which explores the author's relationship with his father, his father's relationship with his son and most importantly his father's relationship with the world and how that was coloured by his experiences during the War.

The descriptions and images used in the book are striking to say the least. The use of animal images for different races is very effective. But it's the story of Vladek's passionate will to survive and how it shaped him and his life that is the most striking element of all in this story.

Comic books may not be your thing and I can't say that they're mine but this is one that you should take a look at it. It's interesting to soak up a story in words and pictures and I had read both books in a matter of a few hours. So if you have a few hours to spare give it a go, I don't think you'll find it a waste of your time.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Primary Colours - Anonymous

Primary Colours was first published during the Clinton administration and is undoubtedly based on the Clinton bid for election in 1992. Although this was over fifteen years ago I found that the story, the process, the drama is timeless. This is not just a book of a time, it is a book about a process.

I've become a huge fan (belatedly) of the West Wing. We've currently just started the nail biting season five and am in a constant sweat of expectation over what will happen next. Plus the increasing excitement in the States over the next Democratic nominee for President made this book an interesting choice for me and one that I enjoyed reading immensely.

Politics is a dirty business and this book in a novel form aims to show the dirtiest side of the business. It's a story about idealism and how it can be destructive. It shows you how initial good intentions can be warped by malpractice and it also highlights just how despicable moral cowardice actually is.

I would recommend this book as a good read. It provides food for thought and I personally found the description of procedures and processes involved in the American political model fascinating.