Friday, June 30, 2006

The Lake House


Ah yes Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock reunited at last! How could this not be a movie worth going to see!

I took myself off to the cinema mid afternoon this week to indulge in a movie which I fully expected to be very silly, quite slushy and probably a bit crap!

I was pleasantly surprised by it however. From other reviews I've glanced at tonight it would appear that not everyone copped the twist as early as I did, however despite this I did spend the whole movie with my fingers crossed hoping I was wrong! Pathetic I know!

I have to admit that I really enjoyed it! It was a bit silly and if it were true then the time space continuum as explained to us trekkies ad nauseum would really have been messed up by this one! But putting that aside and leaving logic and physics at the front door makes this film enjoyable.

Warning though, don't bring the boyfriend, it's probably a movie best left to us girls, they'd only wreck your head about it!

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