Tuesday, June 28, 2005

A Cry From Heaven

The Abbey Theatre in Dublin is currently showing Vincent Wood's A Cry From Heaven and I went to view it last night.
The story is based on the Irish mythology Deirdre of the Sorrows - which as a child was one of my favourite storys and always made me cry. I even had a crush on Naoise and wanted him to rescue me too. (If you want my version of the story just ask!)
The Abbey's production which is directed by Olivier Py is breathtaking.
The costumes and scenery are modern with the scenery being moved around and created into different locations by the cast as the play progresses. There is a huge reliance on sound and tones which succeeds in creating an air of confusion and almost puts pressure on the audience as the atmosphere builds on stage.
Its a hugely powerful story and although the theatre was by no means full on Monday night the audience seemed to be held in the powerful grip that was wrought by the players. So much so that it took about 15-20 seconds for anyone to react once the final curtain fell.

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